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Composting Process

Step 1:

Keep it out of the landfill


Let us do the work with our refined composting process.


30% of the municipal waste stream is compostable, yet it continues to be buried in landfills across our nation.  That amounts to more than 50 million tons of organic material being buried  in our country each year where it decomposes without oxygen and produces methane, a greenhouse gas 30-50 times more potent than carbon dioxide.   Do your part to keep our community healthy, productive, and methane free by signing up today to have your food scraps collected, composted, vermicomposted, and returned to our soils as an organic soil enhancement!

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Step 2:

Compost time


The perfect mix

At YES, our composting process involves thermally composting all of the food waste in a blend of wood shavings, wood chips, and sawdust. Temperatures reach upwards of 150 degrees F, where beneficial bacteria rapidly break down the organic matter and create a delicious meal for our worms.

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Step 3:

Give it to the worms: vermicompost


Tradition and beyond

By taking the decomposition process beyond traditional composting and feeding the partially composted food waste to Red Wiggler compost worms, in a process called vermicomposting, we take advantage of the worm's fantastic efforts to break down materials into microscopic pieces as they feed on bacteria, minerals, and organic substances within the compost.  Their gizzard uses particles of grit to grind their food into tiny bits that plant root systems crave.  After passing through the worm, this "black gold" substance called worm castings is left behind in our worm bins.  

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Step 4:

Trommy does the work


The finest worm castings

By using a machine called a trommel screen, or "separator" in the case of worm farming, we separate out the finest of the worm castings.  All of the worms (including baby worms and worm eggs!) as well as any debris like rocks, sticks, or uneaten compost gets sorted by the separator and then sent along to their next destination.  Worms go back into the boxes with more food, and debris gets either discarded or put back into the compost pile.  

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Step 5:

Return the nutrients to the soil

Help us complete the cycle


By using YES Worm Castings on your lawn, garden, or potted plants you are successfully completing the nutrient cycle and are putting your food waste back to work at inspiring healthy new plant growth, all without the use of chemicals!  

Now that you understand the composting process, check out our products and subscription services. We have something for everyone!